White, Stephen.

Private practices / Stephen White. - Unabridged edition. - Newport Beach, CA : Books on Tape, Inc, 1993. - 10 sound cassettes (15 hrs.)

Read by Michael Kramer.

A madman pushes into psychologist Alan Gregory's office, his pistol against a young woman's head. He demands his wife, Claire. She's in the next office, in session with Gregory's partner, Diane Estevez. the cops save Diane, but not Clair or the hostage. Claire was to testify before a grand jury. Curiously, another witness in the same case dies, also in front of Gregory. Sam Purdy, a detective with the Boulder police, figures Gregory may be able to help with the case. But Gregory himself needs help. With his own life at risk, he and Diane ransack their files for clues. In this race for truth, life itself is the prize.



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